Like every angst filled teen, I longed for the day that I could finally get a tattoo. It was something that I was definitely NOT supposed to do. In good teenage FASHION, I just had to do it (you know exactly what I am talking about). It was sure to be my stamp that I was a "rebel without a cause", a real big middle finger to the "man"(my parents, of course). Not something too big, but not too small...indiscrete enough so my Mom wouldn't see it, this train of eternal age of teenage wisdom could only lead to a "TRAMP STAMP". It seemed so genius in the moment, a music note.
I am sure we all have a phrase that our parents never let us live down. The day that my Mother found that treble clef in the small of my back is that day for me. I can remember it vividly. In fact, it almost seems like yesterday. She was furious and asked me WHAT WAS ON MY BACK, and I screamed with rebellion..."MUSIC IS MY LIFE MOM!" In my 18 year old mind, it was...and in my 26 year old mind it still is. I just don't know that at my current age, I would get a tattoo to "symbolize" my musical rebellion.
As the years have progressed from 18 to 26, a lot of things about me have changed. My love for music, is one passion that has resonated in me through out time. Though I have had my romances with certain genre's here and there, one band has always stood out for me--METRIC.
Emily Haines, and not to sound the slightest bit crazy, has the voice of an ANGEL. Yep, I said it. I first heard of Metric, from the girls I worked with at my first MAC counter. At the time I would have never admitted my obsession with Haines, as I was far too "hardcore" for my own good. Old World Underground--got me hooked. It was from that moment on that my secret obsession with Haines began. Old World Underground would find itself on my constant rotation until 2005, when Live It Up and then their debut album re-release Grow up, and Blow Away in 2007.
In 2009, I finally got to see Emily face to face. Fantasies had just been released a couple months before, and I had noticed a distinct change in the musical direction of my favorite band. She was standing on the stage covered in silver sequins, strobe lights bouncing back and forth off the dress, singing my favorite song DEAD DISCO. Even though Fantasies didn't hold the tiniest candle to the passion I felt for OLD WORLD UNDERGROUND, I realized that standing before me was my favorite band, and all of the sudden I fell in love with Fantasies. That concert, will always be one of my favorite memories. The energy, and the passion she exudes makes me love the band even more. Haines will always be my favorite singer, and Metric is STILL my favorite band, and guess what? MUSIC IS STILL MY LIFE.
Sidenote...if you haven't listened to Emily Haines and the Soft Skeleton, you should do that NOW.